Our website shopping cart is directly linked to UPS and USPS calculators. Shipping times with UPS range from 1-6 days depending on how far you are from our location while USPS ranges from 3 days or less.

While these shipping options are excellent for all pinfeed, case paper, and case label options, it is not the best for small shipments. If your order is under 500 sheets you may be better served by using a flat rate, regional rate, or cubic rate box through US mail which is not available in our shopping cart, but we would be happy to quote for you by phone, or you can request it to be applied to your order in the comment box when checking out by saying “Please ship by the best flat rate.” in the comment box. This will only be useful on orders that are 500 sheets of labels or less.

We can be reached at 800-419-2466 or locally at 770-721-6980 if you would prefer to get a quote for your small shipment before checking out, we are available from 8-5 Eastern Standard, Monday through Friday. You can also email us at [email protected] with the product information, quantity, and your zip code for a quote

Label Outfitters, inc., ships almost every product from Canton, GA 30114. US Mail Pickup is at 3pm EST and UPS is at 4pm EST, we must receive orders before that time in order to get them out same-day. Expedited and Air shipments placed after those times will not ship until the next business day.

All Canadian orders must be placed by phone or email. Unfortunately we do not ship outside the US, US territories and Canada at this time.

See below for the UPS time in transit map from our location:

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